As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
Vehicular access restricted until Christmas
Wales & West Utilities have commenced significant works on Park Lane, the only vehicular access road to the club, to replace gas mains pipes. The work is scheduled to last for 6 weeks, so it should be finished by Christmas.
During the work access will be restricted, at best, to residents only, so anyone attending the club by car will need to park a little way away and then walk the remaining distance.
Please be mindful of safety and residents when selecting a place to park, and if it means walking slightly further to avoid causing an obstruction just remember that you're getting a little extra free exercise!