As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
Clwb Tenis Pen-y-ffordd
Mae Clwb Tenis Pen-y-ffordd yn cael ei leoliad ym mhentref Pen-y-ffordd, yn y gogledd-ddwyrain o Gymru (Sir-y-Fflint), ac mae'r clwb yn croesawu pawb.

Mor agos i'r goror ydy Pen-y-ffordd, does dim llawer o bobl yn medru siarad Cymraeg yn yr ardal, yn anffodus. Ond mae rhai aelodau'r clwb yn siarad yr hen iaith, yn cynnwys y cyn-gadeirydd y Clwb a'i fab, ac mae hyfforddwr y clwb, Mike Herd, wedi astudio Cymraeg i Lefel 'A' (er bod o'n ddweud dydy o ddim yn medru siarad yr iaith o gwbl rŵan!). Beth bynnag, mae llawer o bobl yn dal yn falch i fod yng Nghymru, hyd yn oed pan maen nhw'n siarad Saesneg yn unig, ac mae pawb yn gyfeillgar o le bynnag maen nhw'n dod!
Os dach chi'n meddwl am ymuno'r clwb, dach chi'n medru bod yn hyder bydd pawb yn y clwb yn rhoi croeso mawr i chi, a dach chi'n siŵr i gael llawer o gyfleoedd i fwynhau rhai tenis - yn fuan dechrau... "Mwynhewch ... Cystadlwch ... Byddwch yn iach ... Chwaraewch denis"!

Yn anffodus, does dim digon o amser i wneud safle we'r clwb yn ddwyieithog, ond gobeithio dach chi'n hapus efo'r safle a'r wybodaeth yn cael ei arlwyo. Os mae gynnoch chi unrhyw gwestiwn, cysylltu'r clwb​ trwy'r safle we 'ma.

Pob hwyl,
Clwb Tenis Pen-y-ffordd