As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
As part of this year's Great British Tennis Weekend we offered everyone the chance to enter a prize draw to win a free family membership for the 2018-19 season.
Each chance to win cost £2, with entry on-line or in person on the day.
For those who entered on-line at this website, rest assured that physical entry ticket(s) were created for your entry(ies) and were included in the draw that took place at 4.45pm last Sunday.
Donate to fence replacement fund
...and if you're a UK taxpayer The Taxman will boost your donation by an extra 25%!
In 2015 Pen-y-ffordd Tennis Club gained registered charity status. This means that we're protected from things like charges for business rates and it allows us to apply to Corporate Social Responsibility schemes, such as the £500 received from M&S Bank / HSBC in August 2015 and again in March 2016. An HMRC charity number was subsequently obtained, which allows the club to claim Gift Aid, and we're also signed up with MyDonate, a very cost-effective donation collection facility that's run not-for-profit by BT - they collect the Gift Aid on our behalf and they don't charge the club a penny for the service, the only charge being a tiny 15 pence transaction fee (note that the charge is a much higher £1.30 when a credit card is used, so be sure to use a debit card).
In March 2016 donations helped the club reach its £2000 target to complete the clubhouse interior. However, having completed the resurfacing on all three courts in 2016 at a total cost of £30,000, club funds remain stretched to cover other maintenance work and the external fence is starting to fail as the plastic coating has cracked in various places causing the steel interior to rust.
Replacing the external fence will cost around £3000, however with some funds left over after the completion of the clubhouse and a fantastic donation from the Unite union, plus a £200 grant award from our community council, we've made some headway and have reached £908 towards our new target.
Can you help us reach our £3000 fence replacement target? Please, donate now.
You can share the web address of our MyDonate page . . .

The following donations have been received from individual donors: